Jeffrey H. Anderson
Obamacare’s individual mandate and its other directives are raising costs, thereby incentivizing big businesses to dump part-time workers and workers’ spouses into the Obamacare exchanges, where taxpayer get to help pick up the tab.
The Weekly Standard, October, 9, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Long a left-leaning outlier, even Kaiser’s health polling finds that voters are more apt to back congressional candidates who want to repeal Obamacare.
National Review Online, October 2, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
With a conservative alternative in play, three-fifths of Americans are ready to scrap Obamacare—but is the Republican Party listening to them?
The Weekly Standard, October 1, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
It’s not only that Obamacare is unpopular; it’s that those who dislike it care a lot more about the issue than those who like it do—thereby making Obamacare doubly politically toxic.
The Weekly Standard, September 20, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
By a margin of almost 4 to 1, voters say they’d be more, rather than less, apt to support a member of Congress who votes to stop one of the most egregious aspects of Obamacare—which is also one of the parts that’s propping it up.
The Weekly Standard, September 18, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Politico finds that voters overwhelmingly prefer straight repeal to keeping Obamacare as is (44 to 17 percent), doesn’t even ask about an alternative, and then claims to have found “more evidence that most Americans don’t support repeal.”
National Review Online, September 16, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
It’s time for Republicans to show they’re the party of Main St., U.S.A., not the party of corporate America—and the best thing they can do for Main St. is fight Obamacare now, and repeal and replace it in 2017.
National Review Online, September 12, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
One key anti-Obamacare vote would demonstrate to voters that House Republicans are more interested in fighting for Main Street Americans than in running out the clock or placating the insurance lobby.
The Weekly Standard, September 15, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Is the establishment wing of the Republican Party starting to go soft on repeal?
The Weekly Standard, September 2, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
One of the key players in the cozy alliance between Big Government and Big Insurance doesn’t think it’s fair to criticize Obamacare’s looming taxpayer ‘bailout’ of insurance companies.
The Weekly Standard, August 29, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Try as he might, President Obama can’t get on the golf course as often as new anti-Obamacare polls are released.
The Weekly Standard, August 26, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
While President Obama vilifies his insurance allies in public, he secures taxpayer-funded bailouts for them in private.
The Weekly Standard, July 29, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Obamacare hasn’t had anywhere near the impact on the number of uninsured that voters were told it would have at the time of its passage.
The Weekly Standard, July 15, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
President Obama’s position is that the desire to push policies that are political losers justifies taking the law into one’s own hands.
The Weekly Standard, July 2, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
The Supreme Court’s ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby is a victory for the middle space between the individual and the state, but a fuller victory requires the repeal of Obamacare.
The Weekly Standard, July 1, 2014