Jeffrey H. Anderson
With nearly all insurance companies under Obamacare estimating they will need funds from the risk-corridor program to help cover their losses, Congress must act before the taxpayer is left with the bill.
The Weekly Standard, June 27, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
A desire to advance policies that are political losers doesn’t justify violating the constitutional separation of powers.
The Weekly Standard, June 13, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Republicans have an inviting opportunity to go after Obamacare’s risk-corridor slush fund and its unprecedented individual mandate—two things that voters want them to go after.
The Weekly Standard, June 23, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Polling finds that the most common reason people bought insurance under Obamacare is they were mandated to do so by law.
The Weekly Standard, June 4, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Polling finds that voters are eagerly awaiting the conservative alternative to Obamacare that can lead to full repeal, and they’re poised to reward those who champion it.
The Weekly Standard, May 26, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Democrats have little desire to “fix” Obamacare and no idea how to do so, in part because any “fix” must either keep Obamacare’s cornerstone—its despised individual mandate—or else send costs soaring still higher, as even the White House admits.
National Review, May 23, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
After President Obama said he would veto House-passed legislation to delay the individual mandate, he lawlessly delayed the mandate on his own.
The Weekly Standard, May 7, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Polls that say voters care more about the economy than about health care aren’t asking the right question—yes, voters care more about the economy, but the Obama initiative they most oppose is Obamacare.
The Weekly Standard, April 29, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
One would think the fact that Americans have opposed Obamacare in 119 consecutive polls would give Republican leaders sufficient willpower to advance a winning alternative and fight for full repeal.
The Weekly Standard, April 28, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
President Obama’s own administration isn’t abiding by his signature legislation.
The Weekly Standard, April 24, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
The American people’s opinion on Obamacare hasn’t changed—they hate it as much as they did four years ago and are ready for an alternative.
The Weekly Standard, April 18, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
President Obama is right: “In the end, history is not kind to those who would deny Americans their basic economic security.”
The Weekly Standard, April 7, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Over 111 consecutive polls, Americans have shown they don't like Obamacare.
The Weekly Standard, April 1, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Only two-thirds as many people have enrolled in Obamacare’s government-run exchanges as the CBO had projected—and that’s even counting those who haven’t paid.
The Weekly Standard, March 28, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
The exorbitant penalties for offering non-compliant insurance under Obamacare make it clear that the administration’s primary concern is to regulate private plans—rather than to increase access to them.
The Weekly Standard, March 26, 2014