L. Gordon Crovitz
Congress can override yet another unilateral foray by this executive branch into what would seem to be the legislative realm and preserve key U.S. control over the Internet in the process.
Wall Street Journal, March 23, 2014
Karl Borden
The Obama administration’s decision to give up U.S. oversight of the domain-name system opens the door to a global bureaucracy with the power to regulate the Internet marketplace.
Wall Street Journal, April 1, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Only two-thirds as many people have enrolled in Obamacare’s government-run exchanges as the CBO had projected—and that’s even counting those who haven’t paid.
The Weekly Standard, March 28, 2014
National Review Editors
The dysfunctional nature of Obamacare doesn’t excuse the administration’s lawless efforts to unilaterally alter a law that stands in need of full repeal.
National Review, March 25, 2014
Jonathan Turley
Not everyone who supports President Obama’s particular policy ends is cheering his unprecedentedly lawless means.
Los Angeles Times, March 9, 2014
Barack Obama
President Obama explains that, under Obamacare, you might lose your doctor—but the good news is, you might get to keep your doctor if you pay more.
Kimberly A. Strassel
President Obama continues to defy longstanding norms by using the IRS to help muzzle those who oppose his consolidation of power in Washington, and he’s doing so with the support of Senate Democrats.
Wall Street Journal, February 27, 2014
Byron York
Having repeatedly violated the Constitution's separation of powers, the Obama administration takes aim at the First Amendment.
Washington Examiner, February 20, 2014
Laura Ingraham
Passing Obama-style immigration “reform” would provide a political boon for liberals, weaken our national sovereignty, and lower our per-capita GNP—even if President Obama could be trusted to enforce it.
Washington Post, February 19, 2014
James Jay Carafano
With the Obama administration determined to spend money on everything but national defense, we are headed toward a smaller Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps than we had on September 11, 2001.
The National Interest, February 18, 2014
Steve Forbes
It’s time for policymakers and candidates—from the right and the left—to make plans to restore the constitutional rule of law that the Obama administration is trampling.
Forbes, February 12, 2014
William Kristol
It’s time for the Republican Party to channel its own founding principles, and those of the country, and be the party that’s devoted to preserving the rule of law.
The Weekly Standard, February 14, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
President Obama’s usurpations of legislative power are becoming painfully clear, and Congress should start taking concrete actions to hold him accountable.
National Review, February 11, 2014
Yuval Levin
In unilaterally rewriting Obamacare’s employer mandate, this administration has confirmed that it believes it’s above the law.
National Review, February 10, 2014
Jay Cost
President Obama’s agenda promotes inequality between the well-connected and the common man, as it strips power from the citizenry in favor of Big Government and special-interest groups.
The Weekly Standard, February 10, 2014