Jonah Goldberg
As the battle over the Ex-Im Bank shows, conservative populism wants to limit government and keep it from favoring big business, while liberal populism wants to expand government and let it both command and feed big business.
Real Clear Politics, July 23, 2014
Terry Eastland
The House of Representatives should be focused on defending its own turf using its own powers, not on encouraging government by judiciary—which would do further and more lasting damage to the separation of powers.
The Weekly Standard, July 14, 2014
Jeffrey H. Anderson
The Supreme Court’s ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby is a victory for the middle space between the individual and the state, but a fuller victory requires the repeal of Obamacare.
The Weekly Standard, July 1, 2014
Victor Davis Hanson
Under the Obama administration, executive departments and agencies bear almost no resemblance to the apolitical, disinterested, law-abiding entities the early Progressives envisioned.
National Review, June 24, 2014
Kathryn Chenault
Neurologist Kathryn Chenault explains how the bureaucratic burden of federally run health-care creates more red tape for physicians and limits valuable time spent with patients.
USA Today, June 22, 2014
Paul Ryan
“You ask taxpayers to hang onto seven years of their personal tax information in case they’re ever audited, and you can’t keep six months’ worth of employee emails?”
Washington Free Beacon, June 20, 2014
Ramesh Ponnuru
With an assist from five activist justices, President Obama’s EPA is basically rewriting federal law in imposing coal-plant limitations that Congress never passed and never would have supported.
Bloomberg, June 9, 2014
National Review Editors
The EPA’s latest decrees are set to raise Americans’ energy prices while possibly increasing worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, but most troubling is the agency’s exercise of power that is plainly legislative in nature, despite the Constitution’s having vested all federal legislative power in Congress.
National Review, June 2, 2014
John Fund
Government-run health care inevitably leads to rationed care.
National Review, May 18, 2014
Veronique de Rugy
The Export-Import Bank offers further evidence of the natural alliance between Big Government and Big Business, with Main St. Americans picking up the tab.
Mercatus Center, April 1, 2014
Jim DeMint
The bigger our government gets, the less it engages in the sort of transparent deliberation and debate that is the hallmark of representative democracy.
The National Interest, March 5, 2014
Andrew M. Grossman
What would Tocqueville think of the IRS’s censorship of civil associations?
Washington Examiner, February 26, 2014
Kimberly A. Strassel
President Obama continues to defy longstanding norms by using the IRS to help muzzle those who oppose his consolidation of power in Washington, and he’s doing so with the support of Senate Democrats.
Wall Street Journal, February 27, 2014
Bradley A. Smith
A former chairman of the Federal Elections Commission helps the mainstream media tie the IRS’s abuse of power in targeting conservative groups back to requests from President Obama and Senate Democrats.
Wall Street Journal, February 26, 2014
Jay Cost
President Obama’s agenda promotes inequality between the well-connected and the common man, as it strips power from the citizenry in favor of Big Government and special-interest groups.
The Weekly Standard, February 10, 2014