Josh Gelernter
With 30,000 elephants being brutally poached per year in response to Chinese demand, and with only 30,000 Asian elephants remaining, America may represent the last best hope for perhaps the greatest of all animals.
National Review, July 2, 2014
Ramesh Ponnuru
With an assist from five activist justices, President Obama’s EPA is basically rewriting federal law in imposing coal-plant limitations that Congress never passed and never would have supported.
Bloomberg, June 9, 2014
Robert Bryce
Despite pleas from conservation groups to protect America's iconic birds of prey, the Obama administration continues to cater to the wind energy lobby and bankroll eyesore windmills at taxpayer expense.
National Review, May 6, 2014
Mike Krancer
The negative effects of taxpayer-subsidized wind energy continue to outweigh any proclaimed good.
Roll Call, April 3, 2014
Rob Portman
The slaughter of elephants, at the staggering a rate of up to 100 a day, is funding terrorists—so stopping the ivory trade is now a matter of national security and international stability, as well as stewardship.
CNN, February 8, 2014
Robert Bryce
The Obama administration is catering to Big Wind at the expense of the national bird, granting a pass to kill eagles for 30 years and giving conservatives a chance to show who really cares about conservation.
National Review, December 9, 2013
Deroy Murdock
Evidence shows that natural-gas fracking is generally greener and more sustainable than President Obama’s pet energy projects, as fracking has little effect on air, water, land, or wildlife.
New York Post, December 4, 2013
Dina Cappiello & Matt Apuzzo
President Obama’s politically motivated, science-eschewing ethanol mandates ravage the environment in America’s heartland and the Gulf of Mexico while enabling the well-connected to reap windfall profits.
Real Clear Politics, November 12, 2013
Mark J. Perry
To make the most out of America's energy revolution, Washington lawmakers would do well to embrace three policy recommendations.
Investor’s Business Daily, November 18, 2013
Caitrin Nicol
This in-depth look at elephants’ intelligence, awareness, and emotion serves as a striking reminder of the need for careful stewardship—as only 2 percent of their population remains.
The New Atlantis, Winter / Spring 2013
Jeffrey H. Anderson
Saving the world’s most iconic animals from extinction is a goal that conservatives should champion.
PJ Media, November 25, 2010
Peta Thornycroft and Aislinn Laing
The deeply disturbing trend of cyanide use in poaching is accelerating the widespread loss of Africa’s endangered elephant population.
The Telegraph, October 20, 2013
Ethan Epstein
The deaths of bald eagles and the justifiable complaints of local residents suggest that wind farms don’t improve the environment; they ruin it.
The Weekly Standard, September 30, 2013
Charles Krauthammer
President Obama is preoccupied with climate change, but his proposed solution (killing American coal, promoting “green energy” cronyism) relies more on faith than on science.
The Washington Post, July 4, 2013
Jeffrey H. Anderson
The rise in poaching threatens several of the world’s grandest mammals with extinction.
The Weekly Standard, March 1, 2013