An Unfolding Fiscal Disaster
With many of the Obamacare pay-fors unlawfully pushed aside for political expediency, it’s anyone’s guess how much federal deficits will skyrocket as the law takes fuller effect.
The Weekly Standard, July 14, 2014With many of the Obamacare pay-fors unlawfully pushed aside for political expediency, it’s anyone’s guess how much federal deficits will skyrocket as the law takes fuller effect.
The Weekly Standard, July 14, 2014Conservatives can help put a stop to corporate welfare by, at the least, preventing Fortune 500 companies from double-dipping from federal assistance programs.
National Review, March 27, 2014Republicans aren’t the only ones who have something to worry about in the wake of the recently completed budget battle.
The Weekly Standard, October 16, 2013If Republicans were to better communicate their rather moderate position in the budget battles, they would likely find most Americans to be in agreement with them.
The Weekly Standard, October 11, 2013The recent actions of the National Park Service say a lot about how the Obama administration views the power relationship between the federal government and the American people.
National Review, October 11, 2013Under President Obama’s agenda of driving ever more money and power to Washington, it’s the typical American household income that is suffering.
The Weekly Standard, August 23, 2013The current shutdown should serve as a reminder of our profligate federal spending, an amazing four-fifths of which isn’t even appropriated by Congress.
The Wall Street Journal, October 9, 2013