An Unfolding Fiscal Disaster
With many of the Obamacare pay-fors unlawfully pushed aside for political expediency, it’s anyone’s guess how much federal deficits will skyrocket as the law takes fuller effect.
The Weekly Standard, July 14, 2014With many of the Obamacare pay-fors unlawfully pushed aside for political expediency, it’s anyone’s guess how much federal deficits will skyrocket as the law takes fuller effect.
The Weekly Standard, July 14, 2014The House has a chance to advance an 80-10 issue that’s anti-Obamacare, anti-cronyism, and pro-rule-of-law.
The Weekly Standard, July 28, 2014The Supreme Court’s ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby is a victory for the middle space between the individual and the state, but a fuller victory requires the repeal of Obamacare.
The Weekly Standard, July 1, 2014With nearly all insurance companies under Obamacare estimating they will need funds from the risk-corridor program to help cover their losses, Congress must act before the taxpayer is left with the bill.
The Weekly Standard, June 27, 2014The Obama administration’s new plan is to extralegally fund Obamacare’s risk-corridor slush fund through “user fees” that will increase Americans’ health insurance costs.
Forbes, June 20, 2014Republicans can bring about Obamacare’s full repeal if they advance a winning alternative that fixes the unfairness in the tax code, deals sensibly with preexisting conditions, and doesn’t disrupt the typical American’s employer-based insurance.
Washington Examiner, June 20, 2014It’s time for Congress to take a stand against corporate welfare and stand up for Main St. Americans by putting a stop to Obamacare’s risk-corridor slush fund.
Neurologist Kathryn Chenault explains how the bureaucratic burden of federally run health-care creates more red tape for physicians and limits valuable time spent with patients.
USA Today, June 22, 2014A national poll by McLaughlin & Associates (including 38% Democrats and 31% Republicans) finds that Americans overwhelmingly oppose Obamacare’s bailout provision for insurance companies and support the suspension of Obamacare’s individual mandate.
Republicans have an inviting opportunity to go after Obamacare’s risk-corridor slush fund and its unprecedented individual mandate—two things that voters want them to go after.
The Weekly Standard, June 23, 2014While the CBO projects there will be 31 million uninsured after 10 years of Obamacare, independent analysis projects that the number will be 40 million—roughly 10 percent more than today—as Obamacare will make insurance increasingly unaffordable.
Wall Street Journal, June 10, 2014A key to getting to repeal is to advance an alternative that would cause as little disruption to people’s existing health insurance as possible.
The Weekly Standard, June 5, 2014The federal regulatory state—now the size of the 10th largest economy in the world—continues to grow unchecked, undermining the prosperity of Main St. Americans.
Real Clear Policy, June 2, 2014Former Health and Human Services General Counsel Michael Astrue discusses the possible criminal misconduct of pro-Obamacare state officials, particularly in Massachusetts, who may have covered up the dysfunction of their Obamacare exchanges to keep federal funds flowing their way.
The Weekly Standard, June 9, 2014Polling finds that the most common reason people bought insurance under Obamacare is they were mandated to do so by law.
The Weekly Standard, June 4, 2014