Poll on a Conservative Alternative and Repealing Obamacare
With a conservative alternative in play that deals with both costs and coverage, likely voters support the repeal of Obamacare by a margin of 17 points—55 to 38 percent.
July 13, 2015With a conservative alternative in play that deals with both costs and coverage, likely voters support the repeal of Obamacare by a margin of 17 points—55 to 38 percent.
July 13, 2015The stage is set for the candidates in the 2016 field to champion a winning alternative to Obamacare and thereby show that they can lead the way to full repeal.
The Weekly Standard, August 24 , 2015Scott Walker's Obamacare alternative, which is both conservative and credible, could lead to a "moment when conservatives move beyond slowing down the progress of the liberal welfare state and move toward executing a policy U-turn toward re-limiting government and empowering citizens."
The Weekly Standard, August 18, 2015