Posts Tagged ‘Iran’s nuclear program’

On the Consequences of the Deal

The clear alternative to President Obama’s unilateral acquiescence to Iran “was and is the continuation of the sanctions regime and other forms of economic, diplomatic, political, and military pressure,” and that’s what Congress should insist upon.

The Weekly Standard, July 27, 2015
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    Kill the Deal

    President Obama’s “deal”—or “series of cascading concessions”—would enable Iran to get nuclear weapons, and it shows the Founders’ wisdom in not vesting the treaty-making power in one man.

    The Weekly Standard, April 4, 2015
  • Old Cracked Wall With Radiation Warning Sign And Painted Flag

    A Nuclear Iran?

    With President Obama attempting to help legitimatize Iran and let it get nuclear weapons, American leaders of both parties must exercise genuine statesmanship in the face of the president’s abdication of that role.

    The Weekly Standard, April 6, 2015