James C. Capretta
Entitlement programs rely on people having children even as they disincentive their having children—and a payroll tax cut for parents might be a better way to address this than an increased child tax credit, as the former would lower parents’ marginal rates and thus encourage growth.
e21, July 9, 2014
Investor’s Business Daily Editorial Board
As the U.S. imposes the highest corporate tax rates among developed nations—and adds to that the rising cost of Obamacare—some American companies are looking to relocate.
Investor’s Business Daily, April 14, 2014
Gov. Mike Pence
Gov. Pence talks about Indiana’s success in implementing a conservative reform agenda in such areas as tax policy, higher education, school choice, road construction, and health care.
IN.gov, January 14, 2014
Victor Davis Hanson
Whether it’s health care, higher education, illegal immigration, energy issues, or monetary policy, Washington policymakers are ignoring the middle class.
Washington Times, December 26, 2013
Michael Barone
Republicans would do well to offer tax reforms and other policy proposals that would not only boost economic growth but would also look to strengthen the core of society—the family.
National Review, November 26, 2013
James Pethokoukis
The 2016 GOP presidential candidates should advance smart, pro-growth, pro-family tax-reform plans to fuel prosperity and invest in the country’s future.
National Review, November 4, 2013
Mike Lee
Conservatives should advance innovative policy ideas, like proposals for an Obamacare alternative, a family-friendly tax code, more and better roads, and affordable higher education.
Lee.Senate.gov, October 29, 2013
W. Bradford Wilcox
Senator Mike Lee puts forward a tax-reform proposal that would significantly increase the child tax credit.
The Atlantic, September 17, 2013
Mike Lee
Tax reform should be pro-growth, pro-opportunity, and pro-family, reflecting parents’ irreplaceable contribution to society (and to keeping the entitlement state solvent) and treating children as an investment in America’s future.
Lee.Senate.gov, September 17, 2013
Robert Stein
Our taxes and entitlements actively discourage Americans from having children (even as funding our entitlements requires them), so we need pro-family tax reform to offset this anti-parenting bias.
National Affairs, Winter 2010