Did You Know Obama Just Took New Executive Action on Immigration?
President Obama once again acts unilaterally to help global corporations and hurt American workers.
Washington Examiner, March 25, 2015President Obama once again acts unilaterally to help global corporations and hurt American workers.
Washington Examiner, March 25, 2015A recent Gallup poll finds that just 7 percent of Americans want to see immigration levels increased—highlighting the wide gulf on this issue between President Obama (and many Republicans) and Main Street Americans.
Washington Examiner, January 29, 2015President Obama’s disregard for the rule of law in releasing prominent terrorists from Guantanamo Bay has attracted bipartisan opposition.
Washington Examiner, June 5, 2014The president’s new edict to increase the minimum wage of federal contractors will likely cost thousands of jobs on military bases, with on-base businesses being unable to bear the sharp increase in operating costs.
Washington Examiner, April 28, 2014The Florida special-election result is bad news for Obamacare supporters, as it suggests the danger in pledging to fix the unfixable, rather than championing full repeal and then real reform.
Washington Examiner, March 12, 2014Having repeatedly violated the Constitution's separation of powers, the Obama administration takes aim at the First Amendment.
Washington Examiner, February 20, 2014Most Americans, and rank-and-file Republicans, aren’t particularly interested in immigration “reform” that President Obama would selectively execute—but Obama and House Republican leaders apparently are.
Washington Examiner, January 27, 2014More companies are dropping health insurance for their part-time employees, as Obamacare incentivizes employers to push the costs of care onto the backs of taxpayers.
Washington Examiner, January 23, 2014Is the “comprehensive” immigration bill designed to benefit the median American, or big business?
The Washington Examiner, September 11, 2013