Jonathan Turley
Liberal law professor Jonathan Turley warns that, under President Obama, “unfortunately, our system is changing, and it’s changing without a debate,” from a system that protects against “the concentration of power” to one where “the president can act unilaterally” and “not comply with federal law.”
Real Clear Politics, June 3, 2014
Jonathan Turley
Not everyone who supports President Obama’s particular policy ends is cheering his unprecedentedly lawless means.
Los Angeles Times, March 9, 2014
Jonathan Turley
A prominent left-leaning scholar says this president’s “aggregation of power” is “destabilizing,” “wrong,” and “dangerous”—and he respectfully calls upon an “inert,” “feckless” Congress to “assert its powers” and rein in what Madison (in Federalist 51) called a “weaker department.”
Tea Party News Network, February 27, 2014
Jonathan Turley
Renowned left-leaning legal scholar Jonathan Turley warns the House Judiciary Committee that Obama’s imperial presidency poses a severe danger to the constitutional separation of powers.
Real Clear Politics, December 4, 2013