Timothy P. Carney
Dodd-Frank has hurt community banks, but it has provided a financial boon for the revolving-door world of politicians, regulators, lawyers, and lobbyists.
Washington Examiner, July 21, 2015
Timothy P. Carney
As the experience of Obamacare highlights, big government doesn’t lead to success for the little guy or small business—it leads to bigger businesses, fewer choices, and greater consolidation of power in the hands of the few.
Washington Examiner, July 6, 2015
Timothy P. Carney
China gets more financing from the Ex-Im Bank than any other country does, and most of it goes to state-owned entities.
Washington Examiner, May 11, 2015
Timothy P. Carney
Americans need look no further than the cozy relationship between Boeing and the federally run Export-Import Bank for a prime example of how cronyism works in Washington, to Main Street’s detriment.
Washington Times, March 17, 2015
Timothy P. Carney
This piece succinctly makes a point that those in Main Street America have sensed for a long time: health-care companies are fighting repeal efforts, not driving them.
Washington Examiner, January 14, 2015
Timothy P. Carney
Obamacare forces all American taxpayers to subsidize abortion—yet another broken promise from President Obama and his congressional allies.
Washington Examiner, September 15, 2014
Timothy P. Carney
By fighting Obamacare’s slush fund, the Export-Import Bank, the ethanol mandate, and other examples of cronyism, Republicans can show they stand for fair competition and against corporatism.
Washington Examiner, May 9, 2014
Timothy P. Carney
The cozy relationship between big pharmaceutical companies and Obamacare’s architects has led to higher health insurance premiums for millions of Americans.
Washington Examiner, November 1, 2013