Don’t Fund Planned Parenthood Barbarism
To continue funding Planned Parenthood is to deny science, morality, and humanity.
Investor's Business Daily, August 4, 2015 -
The Simple Way to Repeal Obamacare
Obamacare would not have been passed into law without the budget reconciliation process, and—if congressional leaders are smart about their approach—it can be repealed through that same process.
National Review, August 6, 2015 -
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Still Justified 70 Years Later
The nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved massive numbers of American and Japanese lives.
Investor's Business Daily, August 5, 2015 -
Climate-Change Putsch
Not content with the vast powers that the Constitution actually vests in him as president, Barack Obama is “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” through executive fiat, and the states should refuse to comply with his lawless climate-change decrees.
Wall Street Journal, August 3, 2015 -
What Cecil the Lion and the Planned Parenthood Videos Have in Common
The similarities between the Planned Parenthood videos and the killing of Cecil the Lion are more telling than the differences.
The Weekly Standard, August 3, 2015 -
Don’t Forget Obamacare
The stage is set for the candidates in the 2016 field to champion a winning alternative to Obamacare and thereby show that they can lead the way to full repeal.
The Weekly Standard, August 24 , 2015 -
Scott Walker Takes Dead Aim at Obamacare
The long and crucial struggle for repeal received a big boost when Scott Walker became the first leading Republican presidential candidate to advance a winning conservative alternative to Obamacare's 2,400 pages of federal largess.
The Federalist, August 18, 2015 -
Walker Steps Up
Scott Walker's Obamacare alternative, which is both conservative and credible, could lead to a "moment when conservatives move beyond slowing down the progress of the liberal welfare state and move toward executing a policy U-turn toward re-limiting government and empowering citizens."
The Weekly Standard, August 18, 2015 -
Abortion Word Games Come to End
Part of what makes the recently released Planned Parenthood videos so damaging to the abortion industry, which has long relied on misleading rhetoric to mask its barbarism, is the self-evident truth that human organs can only come from human life.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 29, 2015 -
Undercover Tests Expose Lax Obamacare Enrollment Controls
Undercover GAO tests found that the Obama administration approved Obamacare subsidies for 11 of 12 fictitious applicants—despite “inconsistencies” in income, immigration status, Social Security data, and incarceration status—thus inviting the question of how many people who get Obamacare subsidies get them illegally.
July 16, 2015 -
The Dangerous Myths of Drug Sentencing ‘Reform’
As Congress considers reducing federal prison sentences, a new report from federal prosecutors addresses the many myths driving these “reform” efforts, which risk needlessly reversing the decades-long drop in crime.
July 2015 -
The F-35: Throwing Good Money after Bad
Congress’s continued funding of the F-35, a poor plane that would be overmatched by our potential adversaries, isn’t being driven by military considerations—and it’s time to end production and funnel the money toward the F-22.
National Review, July 22, 2015 -
Dodd-Frank was a Mixed Bag for Wall Street, All Gain for K Street
Dodd-Frank has hurt community banks, but it has provided a financial boon for the revolving-door world of politicians, regulators, lawyers, and lobbyists.
Washington Examiner, July 21, 2015 -
The Iran Deal’s Collapsing Rationale
President Obama’s Senate-circumventing Iran deal means expedited arms shipments to Arab countries, sale of advanced Soviet S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran, and $150 billion to a terrorism-funding state.
Wall Street Journal, July 21, 2015 -
On the Consequences of the Deal
The clear alternative to President Obama’s unilateral acquiescence to Iran “was and is the continuation of the sanctions regime and other forms of economic, diplomatic, political, and military pressure,” and that’s what Congress should insist upon.
The Weekly Standard, July 27, 2015