100% of Newly Elected GOP Senators Campaigned on Repealing Obamacare
Standing with the public’s desire for Obamacare’s repeal was the recipe for success on election day.
CNSNews.com, November 5, 2014Standing with the public’s desire for Obamacare’s repeal was the recipe for success on election day.
CNSNews.com, November 5, 2014Empirical evidence undermines the Obama Administration and it's media allies’ efforts to portray the 2014 election as not being about Obamacare.
Frobes, November 3, 2014Liberals claim this election isn’t about Obamacare, but Republican ad buys in Senate races this October say otherwise—as the GOP is running far more anti-Obamacare ads than ads on jobs, spending, taxes, international affairs, energy, immigration, or anything else.
The Weekly Standard, October 28, 2014Tuesday’s election—the second historic loss for President Obama’s signature legislation—helps pave the way for the full repeal of Obamacare and its replacement with a conservative alternative.
The Weekly Standard, November 6, 2014Democrats’ most common proposal for “fixing” Obamacare—adding a copper plan to the existing government-allowed metals—is a tiny cosmetic change that might even make Obamacare worse.
Bloomberg View, October 22, 2014In March 2010, the CBO projected that, by 2014, Obamacare would increase the number of people with insurance by 19 million, but a Heritage Foundation study finds there are only 8.5 million newly insured—71 percent of whom have been dumped into Medicaid.
Heritage Foundation, October 22, 2014Contrary to the mainstream media’s claims, Obamacare is the principal issue driving this election, as Americans are poised to show for a second time their displeasure with the overhaul and their insistence upon repeal.
The Weekly Standard, October 27, 2014HealthCare.gov, and the huge amounts of personal data stored by loosely overseen private contractors in connection with it, is a treasure trove for cybercriminals—and the Obama administration is once again caught unprepared.
The Weekly Standard, October 20, 2014Obamacare’s first year of implementation has given Americans higher health-care costs, reduced competition, and unimpressive enrollment numbers.
National Interest, October 9, 2014It turns out that a 2,700-page overhaul of American medicine that costs about $2 trillion will increase, not decrease, deficit spending.
The Weekly Standard, October, 14, 2014Having announced plans to slough off part-time workers onto Obamacare’s exchanges at taxpayer expense, Obamacare-supporter Walmart now plans to sell exchange policies to those same workers (and others) in its own stores—further highlighting how big government and big business work together against the interests of Main Street Americans.
National Center for Policy Analysis, October 13, 2014Women are more likely to be the ones getting reduced to 29-hour work weeks, courtesy of Obamacare’s mandate that large employers insure all full-time workers and its redefinition of “full time” work.
Real Clear Markets, October 7, 2014The evidence is becoming overwhelming that Obamacare is costing Americans jobs.
Investor's Business Daily, October 7, 2014Obamacare’s individual mandate and its other directives are raising costs, thereby incentivizing big businesses to dump part-time workers and workers’ spouses into the Obamacare exchanges, where taxpayer get to help pick up the tab.
The Weekly Standard, October, 9, 2014Long a left-leaning outlier, even Kaiser’s health polling finds that voters are more apt to back congressional candidates who want to repeal Obamacare.
National Review Online, October 2, 2014