Mike Fredenburg
Congress’s continued funding of the F-35, a poor plane that would be overmatched by our potential adversaries, isn’t being driven by military considerations—and it’s time to end production and funnel the money toward the F-22.
National Review, July 22, 2015
Mike Fredenburg
The ideologically motivated effort to move our female service members into combat roles is putting “politics before the lives of our young women and men,” despite the clear and persuasive reality-based evidence that argues against it.
National Review, July 15, 2015
William Kristol
President Obama’s “deal”—or “series of cascading concessions”—would enable Iran to get nuclear weapons, and it shows the Founders’ wisdom in not vesting the treaty-making power in one man.
The Weekly Standard, April 4, 2015
William Kristol
With President Obama attempting to help legitimatize Iran and let it get nuclear weapons, American leaders of both parties must exercise genuine statesmanship in the face of the president’s abdication of that role.
The Weekly Standard, April 6, 2015
David Gelernter
Although you won’t hear many people say so in polite society, the globalist worldview that President Obama champions is deliberate in not putting the interests of America, or its allies, first.
The Weekly Standard, March 9, 2015
Byron York
President Obama’s disregard for the rule of law in releasing prominent terrorists from Guantanamo Bay has attracted bipartisan opposition.
Washington Examiner, June 5, 2014
James Jay Carafano
Political leaders merely need to look to history for proof that military strength—not a U.N. treaty—is the best defense of freedom of the seas.
Washington Examiner, April 28, 2014
J. Randy Forbes
Will the upcoming Quadrennial Defense Review under President Obama again fail to define the force structure and force-modernization plans needed to execute the full range of missions that our national defense strategy calls for—despite being legally required to do so?
The National Interest, February 24, 2014
James Jay Carafano
With the Obama administration determined to spend money on everything but national defense, we are headed toward a smaller Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps than we had on September 11, 2001.
The National Interest, February 18, 2014
Michael Barone
The sort of shifting alliances, secret negotiations, and sudden policy reversals that have marked the Obama era in world affairs haven’t worked out well in the past.
National Review, December 10, 2013
Max Boot
On our current path, we’re headed toward the hollowed-out military of the 1970s.
Commentary, June 25, 2013
Seth Cropsey
America’s underfunded and shrinking Navy, coupled with China’s naval growth, threatens to dangerously alter the balance of power in the Pacific.
The Wall Street Journal, June 20, 2013
Seth Cropsey
The consequences of the Navy’s severely reduced budget—cancelled deployments, delayed maintenance, and thinning fleets—are jeopardizing our ability to prepare for threats at sea.
The American Interest, May 21, 2013
Thomas Donnelly
Admiral Samuel Locklear, head of U.S. Pacific Command, admits that defense cuts are crippling the Navy, leaving it ill-prepared to respond to potential crises.
The Weekly Standard, April 22, 2013
Mackubin Thomas Owens
For three major reasons, putting women in combat would significantly reduce America’s military effectiveness.
The Weekly Standard, February 4, 2013