Mike Lee
Sen. Mike Lee’s proposed legislation would give students access to a broader range of affordable higher education options by granting accreditation authority to the states.
The Federalist, January 15, 2014
Charlotte Allen
As Stanford graduate Charlotte Allen highlights, in the world of rich Silicon Valley liberals and the illegal immigration they encourage, there’s no place for the middle class.
The Weekly Standard, December 2, 2013
Gov. Mike Pence
Gov. Pence talks about Indiana’s success in implementing a conservative reform agenda in such areas as tax policy, higher education, school choice, road construction, and health care.
IN.gov, January 14, 2014
Victor Davis Hanson
Whether it’s health care, higher education, illegal immigration, energy issues, or monetary policy, Washington policymakers are ignoring the middle class.
Washington Times, December 26, 2013
Michael R. Strain
Conservatives can help the long-term unemployed—and everyone else—by proposing reforms such as improving transportation networks to make it easier to get to and from work.
The Weekly Standard, December 16, 2013
Jeffrey H. Anderson
We’ve already tried five years of President Obama’s approach to dealing with income inequality, and while big companies’ stock prices have gone up, the typical American’s income has gone down.
National Review, December 5, 2013
Jeffrey H. Anderson
President Obama is right to sense that a vibrant, free civil society is in tension with consolidated and centralized power and control—as each is enhanced at the inevitable expense of the other.
National Review, November 29, 2013
Michael Barone
Republicans would do well to offer tax reforms and other policy proposals that would not only boost economic growth but would also look to strengthen the core of society—the family.
National Review, November 26, 2013
Byron York
Is the “comprehensive” immigration bill designed to benefit the median American, or big business?
The Washington Examiner, September 11, 2013
Matthew Continetti
In contrast to those who favor handouts over earnings, or Wall St. over Main St., labor Republicans value work and advance imaginative policies to benefit the typical American worker.
Weekly Standard, November 4, 2013
Mike Lee
Conservatives should advance innovative policy ideas, like proposals for an Obamacare alternative, a family-friendly tax code, more and better roads, and affordable higher education.
Lee.Senate.gov, October 29, 2013
Barton Hinkle
Entrepreneurial online education providers—not government subsidies—are poised to make higher education more affordable.
Real Clear Politics, October 14, 2013
Mark Steyn
The recent actions of the National Park Service say a lot about how the Obama administration views the power relationship between the federal government and the American people.
National Review, October 11, 2013
Jonathan V. Last
Is this an example of government of, by, and for the people?
The Weekly Standard, October 9, 2013
W. Bradford Wilcox
Senator Mike Lee puts forward a tax-reform proposal that would significantly increase the child tax credit.
The Atlantic, September 17, 2013