Mike Fredenburg
The ideologically motivated effort to move our female service members into combat roles is putting “politics before the lives of our young women and men,” despite the clear and persuasive reality-based evidence that argues against it.
National Review, July 15, 2015
James Webb
Almost nothing has changed in the 18 years since the author observed that the ’60s generation’s assault has hurt our armed forces’ morale, order, and discipline—and it’s still time for military leaders and Congress to initiate honest reviews of where sexual mixing is undermining fairness, cohesion, and effectiveness.
The Weekly Standard, January 20, 1997
Byron York
The president’s new edict to increase the minimum wage of federal contractors will likely cost thousands of jobs on military bases, with on-base businesses being unable to bear the sharp increase in operating costs.
Washington Examiner, April 28, 2014
James Jay Carafano
Political leaders merely need to look to history for proof that military strength—not a U.N. treaty—is the best defense of freedom of the seas.
Washington Examiner, April 28, 2014
J. Randy Forbes
Will the upcoming Quadrennial Defense Review under President Obama again fail to define the force structure and force-modernization plans needed to execute the full range of missions that our national defense strategy calls for—despite being legally required to do so?
The National Interest, February 24, 2014
Seth Cropsey
The consequences of the Navy’s severely reduced budget—cancelled deployments, delayed maintenance, and thinning fleets—are jeopardizing our ability to prepare for threats at sea.
The American Interest, May 21, 2013
Thomas Donnelly
Admiral Samuel Locklear, head of U.S. Pacific Command, admits that defense cuts are crippling the Navy, leaving it ill-prepared to respond to potential crises.
The Weekly Standard, April 22, 2013