Barack Obama, Corporate Shill
The Obama administration has consistently favored corporate cronyism over the well-being of everyday Americans.
The Weekly Standard, March 19, 2015The Obama administration has consistently favored corporate cronyism over the well-being of everyday Americans.
The Weekly Standard, March 19, 2015Americans need look no further than the cozy relationship between Boeing and the federally run Export-Import Bank for a prime example of how cronyism works in Washington, to Main Street’s detriment.
Washington Times, March 17, 2015So long as there is a revolving door between Congress and lobbying firms—and so long as the GOP uses a presidential nomination process that was designed by the left wing of the Democratic Party—the Republican Party will continue to defy the wishes of rank-and-file conservative voters.
The Weekly Standard, March 17, 2015As the Ex-Im Bank example highlights, Republicans are more interested in opposing cronyism in speech than in action.
Washington Post, March 11, 2015The 2016 Republican presidential nominee will need to offer “more than lip service” to Main Street voters on health care and taxes—issues where “the immediate link between policy and take-home pay is very clear.”
New York Times, February 21, 2015Cronyism and corruption spring from a government that is too big, nomination processes that marginalize the grassroots, and incentives for congressional members and staffers to cash in with the very entities that lobby them—and all cry out for conservative reforms.
The Weekly Standard, February 23, 2015Despite a strong message in the last election that the American people are tired of special interests controlling Washington, Congress is falling down on one of its first and easiest opportunities to stand up for Main Street.
The Weekly Standard, February 10, 2015With his push for the deceptively named “net neutrality,” President Obama is attempting to initiate yet another sweeping change to society without the passage of new law, and internet freedom is about to be the latest casualty of his un-republican approach to governance.
Wall Street Journal, February 8, 2015Like most of President Obama’s policies, Obamacare has hurt Main Street Americans, lowering the incomes of everyone but the bottom 20 percent and forcing them to put off important treatments because of increased costs.
National Review, February 4, 2015Among his many unfortunate offerings in his State of the Union address, President Obama’s proposals aimed at parents and children vividly highlights his administration’s disconnect from the values and needs of Main Street Americans.
Bloomberg, January 22, 2015With the release of a comprehensive new economic analysis that finds that cutting long-extended unemployment benefits led to “nearly all of the remarkable employment growth in the U.S. in 2014,” middle-class Americans have further proof that President Obama’s policies have failed them.
Wall Street Journal, January 27, 2015The pro-growth, pro-family policies championed by Senators Mike Lee and Marco Rubio would do a lot more to help Main Street Americans than would liberals’ pro-redistribution, pro-government agenda.
Bloomberg View, January 12, 2015In the next Congress, Republicans have an opportunity to show whether they are the party of corporate payoffs or of limited government, of K Street or of Main Street.
Wall Street Journal, December 11, 2014Tucked away on page 1602 of the omnibus spending bill is a particularly fine example of how cronyism works.
National Review, December 10, 2014Senator Mike Lee offers five suggestions for how Congress can move from being a dysfunctional body that works for Wall Street, K Street, and Pennsylvania Avenue, to being an effective, dynamic, deliberative body that works for Main Street.
The Weekly Standard, November 13, 2014