Obama vs. the Internet
The best way for Americans to thwart President Obama’s ploy to give government far greater control over the internet is to have Congress exercise its power of the purse.
Wall Street Journal, November 10, 2014The best way for Americans to thwart President Obama’s ploy to give government far greater control over the internet is to have Congress exercise its power of the purse.
Wall Street Journal, November 10, 2014Empirical evidence supports what common sense suggests—that part of the reason for recent gains in employment has been House Republicans’ decision not to re-extend federal unemployment benefits.
Wall Street Journal, November 9, 2014So-called net neutrality is “crony capitalism pure and simple—an effort by one group of private interests to enrich itself at the expense of another group by using the power of the state.”
Inside Sources, September 23, 2014The Obama administration’s response to the Ebola threat seems to be driven as much by its immigration ideology as by its concern for protecting Americans.
The Weekly Standard, October 27, 2014The franchising business model that has benefitted and empowered Main Street Americans for generations is at risk because of special interests and their government allies in Washington.
National Review Online, October 7, 2014Conservative ideas for tax reform, such as the Lee-Rubio proposal, offer a way to help free the U.S. economy from this steady, multi-year drip of anemic economic growth.
Opportunity Lives, September 26, 2014The tax-reform proposal advanced by Senators Mike Lee and Marco Rubio would foster growth while providing overdue tax relief for American families.
National Review Online, September 23, 2014Voters don’t just want to hear what Republicans dislike about liberal policies; they want to know what the GOP would do to reverse the ill-effects of those policies, re-limit government, and take the country in a better direction.
The Weekly Standard, September 29, 2014Congress’s failure to kill the Export-Import Bank— “the lowest of low-hanging fruit in the sprawling tree of American political corruption”—is just the latest chapter in a long story of special-interest politics at the expense of the common good.
The Weekly Standard, September 22, 2014As they continue to defy the wishes of rank-and-file GOP voters—on immigration and a host of other Main Street issues—congressional Republicans’ approval rating among their own party is a dismal minus-27 percent, versus +31 percent for congressional Democrats among their own party.
The Weekly Standard, September 9, 2014The GOP needs to demonstrate that it’s the party that offers an alternative to liberal policies.
The Weekly Standard, September 9, 2014Rather than trying to cater to women (or other groups), Republicans should advance a reform agenda that would limit government and improve the lives of everyday Americans of both sexes and all races.
Bloomberg View, August 29, 2014Championing pro-family tax reform might make it easier to achieve pro-growth tax reform.
Bloomberg View, August 25, 2014While the federal government continues to incentivize colleges to raise costs, states are starting to take the lead in reducing them.
Orange County Register, August 25, 2014Constant video surveillance of American life is far more likely to undermine liberty than to secure it.
Bloomberg, August 24, 2014